Investing basics

Know what you need and want in your life and plan for it

Most people don’t know what they want in their life, want to own, to achieve, to do, to become before they die, kick the bucket. In short they don’t have a Bucket List. I just love the movie with this title and  how my two favourite actors Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman bring out the insights about what one values in life. But both were old men in the movie and meet in a hospital before they decide to have a Bucket List for the rest of their life. My question is why do we wait for so long and for a harsh reminder to focus on what’s important in our lives.

There are many reasons for this, the essence of which is that we don’t know what we really want, it’s hard work to find this out and most important reason is it does not give you instant gratification. The rest are all excuses, check it out. Don’t have the time-excuse. It’s no use because I can’t possibly achieve this-how do you know this when you don’t even know what you want- excuse. It keeps changing so what’s the use- so that means you don’t know what you really want?

And the best excuse, “it’s all maya; I don’t want to get trapped in all this want/desire, western world thinking, it’s only going to make me unhappy”. Maya-who? Oh, maya-OMG. So you are already experiencing bliss? WTF-weren’t you just complaining a few hours ago about your lousy job, nagging wife/parents, lousy pay….Stop kidding yourself. You may have good excuses/reasons for not doing this, but guess what you still don’t know what’s going to make you really happy, feel fulfilled and alive.

Actually, I find answering the question-what do I want in my life is a start of an amazing adventure into finding out more about us, dis-covering our-selves and enjoying life to the fullest possible. The pay-offs are huge while it cost virtually nothing. It’s the best f…… investment you can ever...........Read More

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