Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 514450 | NSE: MHLXMIRU | Textile | Small Cap

Mahalaxmi Rubtech Share Price

232.25 -2.85 -1.21%
as on 11-Feb'25 16:59

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on Mahalaxmi Rubtech

Overall Rating
M-Cap below 500cr. High Risk from low Liquidity Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

Semi Strong

Mahalaxmi Rubtech stock performance -

mw4me loader
P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
246.7 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd is a average quality company.

2. Is Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Overvalued zone.

3. Is Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Semi Strong which suggest that the price of Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd is likely to Rise-somewhat in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Mahalaxmi Rubtech:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd has performed well in some of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is somewhat good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 7.2%7.2%6.9%6.9%7.3%7.6%8.6%8.4%15.3%25.3%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 14516920322818518013717069.476.990
Sales YoY Gr.-16.6%20.1%12.4%-19%-2.6%-24%24.2%-59.1%10.7%-
YoY Gr.-7.7%5.6%-15.6%9.4%5.4%37.3%2.4%118.1%0.5%-
BVPS (₹) 53.957.459.560.962.466.370.972.539.349.856.7
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops. 12.414.94.713.111.423.314.515.7-316.7-
Debt/CF from Ops.


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales -6.8%-16.1%-17.4%10.7%
Adj EPS 14.6%26.6%30.9%0.5%
Share Price 21.4% 50.5% 17.7% -16.7%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

Return on Equity has increased versus last 3 years average to 21.60%

Net Profit is growing at healthy rate in last 3 years 30.94%

Sales growth is good in last 4 quarters at 14.93%

Sales growth has been subdued in last 3 years -17.44%

Latest Financials - Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 15.1 8.6
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 90.2 285
BVPS (₹.) 56.7 88.4
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 50 83
P/BV 4.09 2.63
PE 15.37 27.08
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 140.00 / 374.75
All Time Low / High (₹) 0.59 / 374.75
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 247
Equity (₹ Cr.) 10.6
Face Value (₹) 10
Industry PE 32.3

Management X-Ray of Mahalaxmi Rubtech:

Shareholding Pattern

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

No data found!

Key Ratios of Mahalaxmi Rubtech

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 1331551882141691631191555359
Manufacturing Costs485349525246345199
Material Costs7289124145999971863438
Employee Cost 7810111313111277
Other Costs 6555543534
Operating Profit 12131413151618151718
Operating Profit Margin (%) 8.3%7.9%7.1%5.9%8.4%9.2%12.9%8.8%24.1%23.8%
Other Income 1102233412
Interest 2222233422
Depreciation 77889109844
Exceptional Items 0000000000
Profit Before Tax 455666871215
Tax 1222112214
Profit After Tax 333455651111
PAT Margin (%) 2.0%1.8%1.7%1.7%2.7%2.7%4.5%3.2%15.7%14.3%
Adjusted EPS (₹)
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 48515970838894774253
Share Capital 991011131313111111
Reserves 39424958707581663142
Minority Interest0000000000
Long Term Debt2524151498101753
Short Term Debt11141820231920301211
Trade Payables203340454243314486
Others Liabilities 1515172117191914712
Total Liabilities 1201371501701741771751827484

Fixed Assets

Gross Block961061101221271291411436770
Accumulated Depreciation34414953586775783741
Net Fixed Assets62656168686266643029
CWIP 20142111101
Investments 0000000300
Trade Receivables283138413736302999
Cash Equivalents 291212192437371122
Others Assets877111210111456
Total Assets 1201371501701741771751827484

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 121551311231416-317
PBT 455666871215
Adjustment 9998101110834
Changes in Working Capital -12-82-38-17-17-0
Tax Paid 0-1-1-2-2-1-2-7-2-2
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -2-8-5-18-6-15-15-123-8
Capex -2-8-5-18-6-12-5-6-3-3
Net Investments 00000-5-12-95-7
Others 0000012211
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -90352-81-10-8-4
Net Proceeds from Shares 0057800000
Net Proceeds from Borrowing -6-1-9-2-5-127-6-2
Interest Paid -2-2-1-1-2-3-3-3-2-1
Dividend Paid 0000000000
Others 02811-41-140-1
Net Cash Flow 2720800-6-85
ROE (%)6.346.
ROCE (%)
Asset Turnover Ratio1.221.331.421.431.071.030.780.950.540.97
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)451.673.
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days626361637774886410043
Inventory Days494551516870836714084
Payable Days9510810710616015619115827865

Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd Stock News

Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Mahalaxmi Rubtech on 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is ₹232.2.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 the market cap of Mahalaxmi Rubtech stood at ₹246.7.
The latest P/E ratio of Mahalaxmi Rubtech as of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is 15.37.
The latest P/B ratio of Mahalaxmi Rubtech as of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is 4.09.
The 52-week high of Mahalaxmi Rubtech is ₹374.8 and the 52-week low is ₹140.0.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Mahalaxmi Rubtech is ₹90.21 ( Cr.) .

About Mahalaxmi Rubtech Ltd

Mahalaxmi RubTech (MRT) is a part of the Mahalaxmi Group of Industries, incorporated in 1991. A corporate conglomerate active in the manufacture & export of textiles, dyes, pigments, auxiliaries and synthetic rubber / PU-coated fabrics.

MRT is a manufacturer-exporter of truly world class rubber textile printing blankets and coated fabrics. With a track record spanning 13 years and thousands of high-performance blankets, MRT today enjoys a significant presence and high clientele loyalty in markets around the world.

The Mahalaxmi Group has founded its business on a corporate philosophy of blending conventional and modern technologies, to produce ideal manufacturing solutions. And its industrial vision is truly transnational – in technology, perspectives, networking, and service ideas.

Today, Mahalaxmi Group is active in three main areas -- textiles, rubber & chemicals. Between them, all six companies of the Mahalaxmi Group share a value system of commitment to excellence, closeness to customers, accountability to dealers & stakeholders, and a penchant for innovation.

Mahalaxmi Rubtech is headquartered in Ahmedabad, India. It has the technological expertise and the manufacturing capacity to produce blankets of lengths up to 426 feet, and widths up to 3,000 mm.

Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited has concluded a tie up with Zimmer Textile Technology GmBH of Austria for worldwide marketing of their textile printing blankets. (Excluding Brazil and Colombia). Zimmer TT GmBH is one of the global leaders in supplying complete systems for printing, dyeing, coating and finishing plants and offers their years of accumulated expertise, know-how and services to the textile industry.

Product range of the company includes:

  • Textile Printing Blankets
  • Air Cells
  • Hydraulic Seats
  • Rubber Coated Iron Fabrics

Achievements/ recognition:

  • It is an ISO 9001 certified organization.
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