Hindalco Industries Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 500440 | NSE: HINDALCO | Metal - Non Ferrous | Large Cap

Hindalco Share Price

595.65 -0.45 -0.08%
as on 11-Feb'25 16:59

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Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

Semi Strong

Hindalco Industries stock performance -

mw4me loader
P/E Ratio (CD):
Market Cap:
1,33,957.2 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Hindalco Industries Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Hindalco Industries Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Hindalco Industries Ltd is a average quality company.

2. Is Hindalco Industries Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Hindalco Industries Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Undervalued zone.

3. Is Hindalco Industries Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Semi Strong which suggest that the price of Hindalco Industries Ltd is likely to Rise-somewhat in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Hindalco:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Hindalco Industries Ltd has performed well in some of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is somewhat good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 4.3%4.7%8.3%11.1%10.9%8.6%9%16.9%11.2%11%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 1,04,28198,7591,00,1841,15,1831,30,5421,18,1441,32,0081,95,0592,23,2022,15,9622,24,018
Sales YoY Gr.--5.3%1.4%15%13.3%-9.5%11.7%47.8%14.4%-3.2%-
YoY Gr.--79.9%468.2%126.6%17.2%-29.1%48.5%151.8%-29.7%-5.5%-
BVPS (₹) 185.1198206.7246259.5263.1300352.8428479.2512.5
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops. 7,14311,68812,68710,89811,97712,74517,23216,83819,20824,056-
Debt/CF from Ops. 9.65.854.


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales 8.4%10.6%17.8%-3.2%
Adj EPS 20.5%12%18.7%-5.5%
Share Price 14.8% 25.2% 3.1% 0.7%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

Sales growth is growing at healthy rate in last 3 years 17.83%

Net Profit is growing at healthy rate in last 3 years 18.74%

Debt to equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 0.55

Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 11.20%

Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 3.66%

Latest Financials - Hindalco Industries Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 25 55.6
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 86,846 2,24,018
BVPS (₹.) 303 512.5
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 67,871 1,14,954
P/BV 1.97 1.16
PE 23.87 10.73
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 496.80 / 772.00
All Time Low / High (₹) 11.39 / 772.00
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 1,33,957
Equity (₹ Cr.) 224.7
Face Value (₹) 1
Industry PE 16.5

Management X-Ray of Hindalco:

Shareholding Pattern

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

Hindalco: SELL - High debt, cyclical business; High valuations - 29 Aug 2017

We recommend SELL based on higher downside risk due to vulnerable business from high debt and aluminium prices and high valuations. We continue to rate the stock as RED due to stretched balance sheet and business downcycle due to global oversupply of capacity in medium term.

Hindalco has gained lately from increase in aluminium prices. China is the largest producer of aluminium. China has overcapacity which led to lower prices for aluminium.

During the last one year, Chinese government has decided to shut down almost a third of capacity during winter heating period. This would lead to decline in supply and hence firm the aluminium prices. The markets have already factored in increase in aluminium prices.

Coming to company specific details, Novelis has been seeing good traction in auto sheets volumes globally. This makes street optimistic of growth. Bulk of the capex is behind us and we should see some free cash flow going forward. Rising aluminium prices would improve EBITDA growth. Novelis sold its 50% interest in South Korea which would free up ~$300 million for debt repayment. This would reduce debt burden.

Despite all this we believe debt is still high at more than 3X EBITDA. We have seen the management going for acquisition or capacity expansion as soon as the balance sheet improves. The company has not created good ROE even during best of the times due to high capex. ROE hinges a lot on commodity prices which are tough to predict. Globally since capacity is in oversupply, over long term the ROEs may continue to be at depressed levels till excess capacity is shut down.

At current prices, the stock factors in all positives from aluminium prices, higher free cash flows and profit growth from operating leverage. We recommend SELL based on higher downside risk due to vulnerable business in medium term, higher valuations. We continue to rate the stock as RED due to stretched balance sheet and business downcycle due to global oversupply of capacity in medium term.

Key Ratios of Hindalco

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 95,65290,43087,8851,01,7941,15,3181,04,0481,14,8321,66,8122,00,5771,92,580
Manufacturing Costs13,54714,25713,54213,57815,10315,37015,45919,56526,99524,554
Material Costs64,90759,40855,65868,88578,68768,26976,4361,17,5401,40,7701,33,855
Employee Cost 7,9918,0868,5468,6459,0438,83210,78212,02313,06314,778
Other Costs 9,2078,67810,13910,68712,48511,57712,15517,68419,74919,393
Operating Profit 8,6298,32912,29913,38915,22414,09617,17628,24722,62523,382
Operating Profit Margin (%) 8.3%8.4%12.3%11.6%11.7%11.9%13.0%14.5%10.1%10.8%
Other Income 1,4251,6741,2601,6361,4141,3961,5961,2361,2981,986
Interest 4,1845,1345,7423,9113,7784,1973,7523,7683,6463,858
Depreciation 3,5914,5074,4694,6064,7775,0916,6286,7297,0867,521
Exceptional Items -1,940-577-81,7740-284-4925824121
Profit Before Tax 340-433,3158,1578,0835,9247,90519,57413,24114,012
Tax 2564981,4332,0742,5882,1572,7235,3733,1443,857
Profit After Tax 84-5411,8826,0835,4953,7675,18214,20110,09710,155
PAT Margin (%) 0.1%-0.5%1.9%5.3%4.2%3.2%3.9%7.3%4.5%4.7%
Adjusted EPS (₹)4.1-1.28.527.324.817.015.761.945.545.7
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)24%-82%13%4%5%6%19%6%7%8%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 38,31240,56246,02354,83657,60358,40366,60878,31595,0041,06,386
Share Capital 207205223223222222222222222222
Reserves 38,10540,35845,80054,61357,38158,18166,38678,09394,7821,06,164
Minority Interest9563816991010111111
Long Term Debt55,38657,92951,85547,87448,03258,37958,98551,63551,43447,395
Short Term Debt11,6729,0196,5963,3984,2268,7176,2847,87911,18911,381
Trade Payables15,50115,05817,46320,40520,72318,30028,23541,38235,86034,444
Others Liabilities 19,91918,19724,20120,49221,37924,80928,70042,63329,99131,106
Total Liabilities 1,41,7461,41,1461,46,1441,47,0141,51,9721,68,6181,88,8222,21,8552,23,4892,30,723

Fixed Assets

Gross Block1,01,9401,23,4881,21,1521,25,0601,30,0091,40,3001,57,0181,69,8761,82,4151,90,430
Accumulated Depreciation28,61137,84036,48939,99544,16151,12756,69962,94671,65478,335
Net Fixed Assets73,32985,64884,66385,06585,84889,1731,00,3191,06,9301,10,7611,12,095
CWIP 14,1114,2141,8142,0634,0977,72110,2024,9457,70014,867
Investments 12,34612,43815,15710,7819,0129,41117,13314,11914,11615,444
Trade Receivables9,1867,9188,2759,96011,3899,34512,95921,07616,21416,404
Cash Equivalents 5,3094,4078,2618,0589,78721,5698,80917,39215,08314,437
Others Assets9,0139,7339,6839,4569,6459,0158,73212,91016,65716,664
Total Assets 1,41,7461,41,1461,46,1441,47,0141,51,9721,68,6181,88,8222,21,8552,23,4892,30,723

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 7,14311,68812,68710,89811,97712,74517,23216,83819,20824,056
PBT 340-2033,3408,2828,0835,9207,90519,57413,24114,012
Adjustment 7,7599,0129,7385,8107,4658,0259,06310,1699,20410,775
Changes in Working Capital -864108389-1272-1683-10981520-9132-4571944
Tax Paid -1,128-1,229-780-1,923-1,888-102-1,256-3,773-2,733-2,675
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -3,793-3,522-2,7895,026-5,648-8,427-25,637-7,074-8,016-14,276
Capex -5,716-4,052-2,870-2,956-5,968-6,858-5,517-5,355-9,637-15,678
Net Investments 1,051-863-4185,558-314-2,234-22,3424,176-2881,826
Others 8721,3924992,4236346652,222-5,8951,909-424
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -2,437-8,862-5,552-16,412-5,4666,656-4,882-6,765-10,450-10,817
Net Proceeds from Shares 503,3141667521620
Net Proceeds from Borrowing 328995-642-9,145-2,3867,229-2,420-3,747-8,924-1,760
Interest Paid -5,025-5,006-6,075-3,849-3,581-3,970-3,423-3,250-3,950-3,912
Dividend Paid -249-256-248-294-323-320-222-667-890-667
Others 2,505-4,595-1,901-3,1428183,7101,1788783,308-4,498
Net Cash Flow 913-6964,347-48986310,974-13,2872,999742-1,037
ROE (%)0.21-1.374.3512.069.776.498.2919.611.6510.08
ROCE (%)4.274.748.3111.1310.948.69.0216.8711.1611.03
Asset Turnover Ratio0.760.720.710.790.870.740.740.9510.95
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)85.04N/A6.741.792.183.383.331.191.92.37
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days32312929303231323028
Inventory Days60646263616973707271
Payable Days80941071009510411110810096

Hindalco Industries Ltd Stock News

Hindalco Industries Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Hindalco on 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is ₹595.6.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 the market cap of Hindalco stood at ₹1,33,957.2.
The latest P/E ratio of Hindalco as of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is 23.87.
The latest P/B ratio of Hindalco as of 11-Feb-2025 16:59 is 1.97.
The 52-week high of Hindalco is ₹772.0 and the 52-week low is ₹496.8.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Hindalco is ₹86,846 ( Cr.) .

About Hindalco Industries Ltd

Hindalco Industries Ltd. is the metals flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group. It is an industry leader in aluminium and copper. Hindalco’s acquisition of Aleris Corporation in April 2020, through its subsidiary Novelis Inc., has cemented the company's position as the world’s largest flat-rolled products player and recycler of aluminium. Hindalco’s state-of-art copper facility comprises a world-class copper smelter and a fertiliser plant along with a captive jetty. The copper smelter is among Asia's largest custom smelters at a single location.

In India, the company’s aluminium units across the country encompass the gamut of operations from bauxite mining, alumina refining, coal mining, captive power plants and aluminium smelting to downstream rolling, extrusions and foils. Presently, Hindalco ranks among the global aluminium majors as an integrated producer and a footprint in many countries outside India. It has been accorded Star Trading House status in India. Its aluminium is accepted for delivery under the High-Grade Aluminium Contract on the London Metal Exchange (LME), while its copper quality is also registered on the LME with Grade A accreditation.

Business area of the company

The company is engaged in the production of aluminium and aluminium products, and copper and copper products. The Company's segments include Aluminium, which includes hydrate and alumina, aluminum and aluminum product, and Copper, which includes continuous cast copper rods, copper cathode, sulfuric acid, di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and complexes, and gold and silver products.

Products of the company

Aluminium extrusions 

Aluminium rolled products

Aluminium foil & packaging

Aluminium alloy wheels

Copper cathodes

Continuous cast copper rods

DAP/NPK complexes

Alumina chemicals

  • Aluminas and hydrates
  • Minerals
  • Primary aluminium
  • Ingots
  • Wire rods
  • Billets

Awards and recognitions


  • FICCI Award 2017 for CSR - Aditya facility.
  • Silver Certificate of Merit by Frost & Sullivan & FICCI Indian Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017.
  • Ranked 7th in Asia Best CSR Practices Awards 2017 by World CSR Day in the category of Community Development Project of the Year.
  • India Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2017-18, Silver Certificate for Manufacturing Effectiveness - Mahan facility.


  • India CSR Award 2018 for the third consecutive year, from India CSR Network, for Sustainable Livelihood Project in agricultural development - Mahan Aluminium.
  • CII ITC Sustainability Awards 2018 for Excellence in CSR - Mahan Aluminium.
  • FICCI CSR Award 2018 for commendable work in Agricultural Development at the FICCI CSR Summit.


  • Breaking New Grounds Award at the Global Diversity Equity Inclusion Summit, Delhi.
  • Leaders Award - Mega Large Business, Metal Sector at Frost & Sullivan and TERI Sustainability 4.0 Awards 2019.
  • Best Performance Award 2019 presented by the Indian Institute of Metals.
  • Certificate of Merit 2019 earned from Frost & Sullivan for Project Evaluation & Recognition Programme.
  • CSR Times Award presented at National CSR Summit 2019 for CSR work in the field of livelihood programmes.
  • India Manufacturing Excellence Award 2019 presented by Frost & Sullivan for being selected as the Future Ready Factory of the year.


  • The CII Eastern Regional Productivity Award presented by the Chairman CII Eastern region for contribution in the areas of Productivity in January 2020.



  • Commencement of production at Renukoot (Uttar Pradesh) with an initial capacity of 20,000 mtpa of aluminium metal and 40,000 mtpa of alumina.


  • Downstream capacities commissioned (rolling and extrusion mills at Renukoot).


  • Commissioning of Renusagar power plant - a strategic and farsighted move.


  • Beginning of major expansion programme.


  • Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla takes over as Chairman of Indal Board.


  • Aluminium alloy wheels production commenced at Silvassa.
  • Brownfield expansion of metal capacity at Renukoot to 242,000 tpa.
  • 1998 - Foil plant at Silvassa goes on stream.Hindalco attains ISO 14001 EMS certification.


  • Acquisition of controlling stake in Indian Aluminium Company Limited (Indal) with 74.6 per cent equity holding.


The amalgamation of Indo Gulf Corporation Limited’s copper business, Birla Copper, with Hindalco with effect from 1st April 2002.


  • Hindalco acquires Nifty Copper Mine in March 2003 through Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd. (ABML, formerly Birla Minerals Resources Pty. Ltd.).
  • ABML acquires the Mount Gordon copper mines in November 2003.
  • Equity stake in Indal increased to 96.5 per cent through an open offer.
  • Brownfield expansion of aluminium smelter at Renukoot to 345,000 tpa.


  • Copper smelter expansion to 250,000 tpa.


  • All businesses of Indal, except for the Kollur Foil Plant in Andhra Pradesh, merged with Hindalco Industries Limited.
  • MoUs signed with state governments of Orissa and Jharkhand for setting up greenfield alumina refining, smelting and power plants.
  • Commissioned Copper III expansion, taking total capacity to 500,000 tpa.


  • Hindalco announces 10:1 stock split. Each share with face value of Rs. 10 per share split into 10 shares of Re 1 each.
  • Hindalco completes largest Rights issue in the history of Indian capital markets with total size of Rs. 22,266 million.
  • Equity offering and subsequent listing of Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd. on Australian Stock Exchange.
  • Signed an MoU with the Government of Madhya Pradesh for a greenfield aluminium smelter in the Siddhi district of the state.
  • Joint venture with Almex USA for manufacture of high strength aluminium alloys for applications in aerospace, sporting goods and surface transport industries.


  • Successful acquisition of Novelis, making Hindalco the largest in aluminium rolling and among the global top five metals majors, with a presence in 11 countries outside India.Acquisition of Alcan's 45 per cent equity stake in the Utkal Alumina project, thereby making Hindalco the 100 per cent project owner.


  • Alumina expansion at Muri. Right issue - Raised total of Rs 4,426 crore for re-financing bridge loan taken for Novelis acquisition. Hindalco Almex Aerospace Limited facility became operational and produced largest aluminium billet of 42 diameter.


  • QIP - raised $600 million for projects, the largest straight QIP in India.


  • The company successfully achieved financial closure of the Mahan Project with the signing of Common Rupee Loan Agreement for Rs. 7,875 crore.


  • Hindalco Industries finalized its arrangement for acquiring Alumina Refinery and Bauxite Mines from Novelis Do Brasil, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Novelis Inc.
  • First metal tapped at Mahan Aluminium.
  • Utkal Alumina Refinery goes on stream.


  • Mahan and Aditya Aluminium smelters and Utkal refinery come on stream.
  • Acquisition of Gare Palma Coal mines in Chhattisgarh and Kathautia and Dumri Coal mines in Jharkhand through auction.


  • Mr Satish Pai takes over as Managing Director from 1st Aug 2016 after Mr D Bhattacharya demits office.
  • Highest ever production of aluminium and alumina produced at 1.1 million and 2.7 million tonnes respectively.
  • Greenfield projects - Mahan Aluminium, Aditya Aluminium and Utkal Alumina ramped up to full capacity.
  • Coal blocks in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, acquired through auction, became operational.


  • Successfully raised USD 500 million through Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP).
  • Prepaid Rs. 1,031 crore long term loan in FY2017 and Rs. 4,505 crore in April 2017 resulting in a cumulative amount of Rs. 5,536 crore paid till date.
  • Refinanced USD 4.3 billion long-term debt at Novelis - annual cash interest expense reduced by USD 79 million.
  • Novelis entered into JV agreement in May 2017 with Kobe Steel to sell 50 per cent of its ownership interest in its Ulsan, South Korea facility, for USD 315 million.
  • Divested Aditya Birla Minerals Limited, Australia for Rs. 367 crore.
  • With new coal linkage in FY2017, coal security improved to two thirds of annual requirement of the Aluminium Business.
  • Stable operations - achieved highest Aluminium production at 1,266 Kt.


  • Hindalco Industries has re-started production of Alumina at Muri refinery in Jharkhand. The Plant had initiated the start-up process after receiving the Consent to Operate from the Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board.
  • Hindalco Industries has launched India’s first all-aluminium freight trailer in Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan.


  • Hindalco Industries has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Hindustan Copper for the long-term purchase and sale of copper concentrate produced by the PSU.
  • Hindalco Industries’ wholly-owned subsidiary -- Novelis Inc. has completed the acquisition of Aleris Corporation.

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