No policy paralysis in the government: FM

21 Jul 2011 Evaluate

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in a meeting with the financial journalists has once again reiterated that there is no policy paralysis in the government. The Finance minister said, the economy was in fine fettle and the perceived lack of progress on reforms was misplaced. He stuck to his growth targets and blamed perceptions of a slowdown on global factors, and stated that inflation would cool by the end of the fiscal.

Earlier, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh too had a meeting with editor group. In both the meeting government stressed that the there was no issue of policy decision taking and the government has formed group of ministers (GoM), to take final decision on important matters without needing clearance from cabinet. Finance minister said, 'There is an impression that we have given up on reforms,' by adding further he said, 'Whatever policy reforms or adjustments are required to attract investments will be taken.'

Finance Minister also put light on the vital policy reforms that have been pending for long period of time, the important legislations such as mining, food security and land acquisition bills are nearly ready and government will introduce in the monsoon session which is starts from 1 August. Finance minister also noted that government cleared a number of coal and steel projects and over a long period infrastructure investment taking place.  

However, the finance minister accepted the slow progress on the policy reforms due to lack of agreement in the coalition of UPA. Finance minister also rolled out the concerns over the health of economy and government’s management of fiscal situation. On the uncertainty in global economic condition, finance minister said, 'We are not living in isolated world. We are a part of the global economy.' Finally finance minister put his optimism that inflation will cool down after the monsoon and by the end of the year inflation will be 6 to 7% by the end of this year from current level.

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