Home ministry demands action against Twitter, over ethnic violence rumors

23 Aug 2012 Evaluate
The home ministry demanded the department of electronics and information technology (DIT) to take disciplinary action against social networking website, Twitter for not providing information to its law enforcement agencies. Due to Twitter’s non responsiveness, government had failed to block 28 accounts that allegedly carrying inflammatory messages.

On to this, home ministry has insisted the DIT to fix a deadline for Twitter for providing the information and suggested that it is better to block all of Twitter in India, rather than taking corrective actions,since Twitter is not having servers in India and is not directly under any Indian law, . Further, on a complaint from Prime Minister’s office, on objectionable content on six accounts resembling the PMO’s official account, Twitter assures its cooperation with the government and stated that they were not responsive as the government entity is not intimating through proper procedures electronically to the system and thus won’t able to locate the request.

Now, twitter became active in reviewing the request, by seeking additional information from the ministry of communication and IT  and thus locating the unlawful content and the specific unlawful tweet and further hopes that can provide a clearer communication in these matters in future.

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