Rupee adds weakness after scaling three month’s high in the previous session

13 Sep 2012 Evaluate

After depreciating to three week’s high level on Germany court’s favorable verdict on EU bailout fund‎ in previous trading session, Indian rupee has added some weakness on account of persistent oil-related dollar demand on Thursday. Meanwhile, uncertainty surrounding the US Federal Reserve’s decision on quantitative easing measures to be announced later in the day is also sapping the risk appetite for emerging markets assets, such as Indian currency. However, rupee is likely to strengthen in case of a favorable outcome from the US Fed two day meet, which started on Wednesday. Expectations is that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will conclude a two day policy meeting by announcing another round of bond-buying known as quantitative easing, to stimulate the growth of the US economy.

The partially convertible currency is currently trading 55.45, weaker by 23 paise from its previous close of 55.22 on Wednesday. The currency, so far, has touched a high and low of 55.47 and 55.30 respectively. The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) reference rate for the dollar stood at Rs 55.26 and for Euro it stood at Rs 71.13 on September 12, 2012. While, the RBI’s reference rate for the Yen stood at 70.93, the reference rate for the Great Britain Pound (GBP) stood at 88.8534. The reference rates are based on 12 noon rates of a few select banks in Mumbai.


September 12, 2012

55.26 88.8534

September 11, 2012

(RBI-reference rate) 
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