Organic Cocoa farming future prospects looks bright in India

03 Jun 2011 Evaluate

The demand for organic cocoa is rising in the world particularly in the US and Europe. Major chocolate companies are jumping on to the organic bandwagon to cash in on the rise in demand. While South America and Africa are the main sourcing countries, a Swiss company has launched a chocolate based on organic cocoa from India recently.

A Switzerland-based Chocolate Stella, which recently launched Indian brand of chocolate made of organic cocoa grown in Kerala, stated that eating habits are changing in the US and Europe and people have become aware of the environmental and ecological issues and have started preferring organic products even in chocolates. The company has introduced single origin organic chocolates in several developing countries.

Presently, 15-20% of world cocoa production is of the organic variety and with rising demand the production could increase to 30%. Chocolate Stella sources most of its organic cocoa from South America but in India, the company has tied up with Indian Organic Farmers Producer Company (IOFPCL).

The southern states are the major cocoa producers in the country. As per officials of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development, Indian organic cocoa production is largely confined to Kerala and it is done mostly in Idukki and Kottayam districts. Out of the total cocoa production of over 12,000 tonne in the country it is estimated that about 10-20% is organic.

There are several enquiries from European companies for organic cocoa but there is scarcity of organic cocoa production. Given the premium prices organic cocoa commands, it is an incentive for the farmers to increase their cultivation.

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