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Suprita Patil

Customer Testimonials

MoneyWorks4me really worked for me.
Its a one stop location for all the fundamental data needed to start analyse and it really helps quickly make decision on the scrip.
The data provided here is very good, concise and easily readable

Ajay Khamamkar

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Very good and helpful for long term investors.

Gautam Mandal

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Expert, Genuine and vigilant equity investment advisers.

Deepak Bhopatkar

Customer Testimonials

I am still getting good tips on small cap from so called experts/friends but thanks to your analysis, we are able to save ourselves from investing in these companies, financials of some of these companies are really very horrible. Thanks once again.

Sunil Rai Khanna

Customer Testimonials

I am simply at peace. Why? Because I've 'MoneyWorks4Me' by my side!
I believe their 'worthy' investment opportunities are exceptional & rare to find. And once you 'buy-in' it is even more exhausting to monitor them. Thanks to committed 'MW4Me' for helping me make right decisions; I recently renewed my subscription.
For me there are 'only' two expectations while investing a) safety of principal & b) satisfactory returns. 'MW4Me' exceeded both of my expectations. Literally, my money works for me!

Chaitanya Salvi
IT Software, Pune

Customer Testimonials

I found your method and presentation very useful and user friendly.I observe that most of the common retail investors have no detailed and technical knowledge about the company.They have no time for regular track and also to analyze the company and the market. Various brokerage firm analysts,TV channels advise confuse them.In this context your service is remarkable and it will certainly help to small investors.

Ajay Deshmukh

Customer Testimonials

"Moneyworks4me is the real deal for investors. They bring relevant facts for the vacillating investor and make it easy to take decisions that are safe and in the interest of the investor. Subscription to this site is pure value for money proposition."

Lubna Huq
Business, New Delhi

Customer Testimonials

It gives a great advantage and more confidence for Indian retail investor for investing, where technic the idea is father of investing as Benjamin and warren buffet formulae easy to understand the parameter which are no more complicating and the ratios giving with color code RoE, RoCE & Value Index enough to grasp the stock value, intrinsic value and margin of safety. Great Job

Ubaid K
Business, Kannur

Customer Testimonials

The StockShastra is an eye opener and will prevent the gambling habit in the stock market. It also helps in thinking aginst the crowds mentality.

Bharat Reddy

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