Get answer to what stocks to buy, at what price and when to buy/sell with our Quality, Valuation and Price Trend Ratings
along with 10-year X-Ray of 3500+ stocks.
2. Stock Screener
Best stocks from all categories which you can sort and filter
as per your needs with the option to save your screen to
monitor everyday with ease. Explore now
3. AlphaCases
Find the best opportunities! Easily get curated list of
stocks and select the ones that match your needs on the basis of index, sector and theme.
Explore now
4. Portfolio Manager
This is a multi-asset portfolio manager. Track and get
analysis of your portfolio to manage risk and returns in
one place. Explore
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I must say I am more than satisfied / happy with the BUY and SELL calls, analyst notes / mails. I have stopped going to various web sites after subscribing to MoneyWorks4Me, it has been 3 years...
A great place for fundamental analysis to check the growth potential of a stock. Also stock screener helps to identify and pick the right stock.
Jacob George , Subscriber
The overall experience is very good. The hand holding support that Money works for me has provided to a novice investor like me was critical in building my portfolio over the last two years. The...
An excellent organization with an excellent team with pure motive to help you to realize that "Money works for you". Had learned a lot about equity investment through Investment...
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Ketan Khivesara , Subscriber
Thanks for your unique and easy to use solution backed by in-depth & unbiased research .It helps a common investor like me to be at par with the experienced players in the market. Stock...
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DIY Investor Today!
DeciZen Ratings
Best Opportunities Curated Portfolio
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Portfolio Manager
Company's Color-Coded 10-Year X-Rays
Per month
What is Alpha-Stocks?
Alpha-Stocks is an intelligent System that enables you to make informed stock-investing decisions. Alpha-Stocks help you
build your portfolio with the best opportunities and manage it to earn high returns consistently.
How does Alpha-Stocks identify the best opportunities?
To invest in the best opportunities you need a way to identify for each stock:
Quality: Is the stock worth investing in, it is safe to invest in, is the company profitable, can it withstand
economic and market cycles? Read more
Valuation: Is the current price a fair and reasonable price to pay for the stock, are you likely to earn high,
medium, or low returns at this price? Read more
Price Trend: Should you consider acting now or are you better off waiting? Is it more likely that the prices will
rise in the near term, remain flat or fall? Read more
Alpha-Stocks uses data-driven analysis and intelligence to answer these 3 questions. It color-codes each stock as Green,
Orange or Red. So, every stock on MoneyWorks4me comes with the three tags on QVPT to enable you to make an informed
How do you invest successfully using the Alpha-Stocks?
Follow this Simple Rule: Invest mostly in Green Quality stocks, when the Valuation is Green or Orange. Buy when the
Price Trend changes from Red to Orange and even Green if the stock is not overvalued. Sell when Stocks is fully
overvalued and Price Trend changes from Green to Orange or Red. At all other times there is no need to take any action.
To find the list of stocks that qualify simply use Alpha Curated Portfolio.
How do you use Alpha Curated Portfolio to start investing right away?
Alpha Curated Portfolio provides you two tabs - Curated List and My Buy List. In Curated List we have provided a list of
Stocks that pass the Alpha DeciZen criteria on quality and valuation. Stocks are shortlisted so that you can use to
build a diversified portfolio of good quality stocks which are currently available at reasonable prices based on
relative valuation.
Check the important details presented in the table and for more details click on the stock to see its 10-Year X-Ray.
Click on the checkbox for the stocks you intend to invest in and then click the action button to transfer these to My Buy List.
How do you ensure diversification?
You will find Large, Mid and Small Cap stocks from different Sectors in the Curated List. If you are a conservative to
moderate profile select about 14 Large cap and 7 Mid & Small cap stocks. If your profile is Aggressive select about 10
Large cap and 10 Mid & Small cap stocks. Select a mix of stocks from different sectors while doing this and you will
have a well-diversified portfolio.
How much do you allocate to each stock?
A good start is to make an equal allocation to each stock. For a 20-stock portfolio this means 5% of the money you plan
to invest using Alpha Stocks.
How do manage your portfolio with Alpha Curated Portfolio?
Once you have invested in them click on the checkbox and then click on the action button Transfer to BoughtList. This
will make it easier to update your portfolio on the Portfolio Manager.
Stocks will move to Hold when the price goes above its Fair Price. You continue to hold this stock in your portfolio but
do not make any fresh purchase. When the stock is in the Over-valued zone it will be moved to the Reduce section. You
should review this stock and act.
Can a beginner use Alpha Curated Portfolio?
The system is designed to be easy to use and simplified for Beginers. The Curated List has all High Quality Stocks
and a Beginer should select Large Cap Stocks to begin with. Read the Pocket Guide to Investing Successfully in Stocks and start. You will find many useful easy-to-use
tools and Blogs that will help you make informed investing decisions.
How do you get more confidence about investing in a stock that passes QVPT criteria?
How is Alpha Curated Portfolio different from Model Portfolios?
MoneyWorks4me does not encourage blindly following recommendations even if they come from well-known
experts. It is
focussed on creating solutions that enable investors make informed decisions and becoming a savvy
investor. Alpha Stocks
is designed to enable DIY investors make informed stock-investing decision with the help of clear
insights derived from
data. It enables you to invest in quality stocks at reasonable prices based on Relative Valuations.
Smart tools are
provided to make this easier and avoid making mistakes that can prove to be very costly. Alpha
Curated Portfolio is an
important tool to enable you to build your portfolio with ease using a curated short list provided
by us.
MoneyWorks4Me method for rating and ranking mutual funds for SIP
MoneyWorks4Me rating and ranking of funds for SIP is available to subscribers only. Moneyworks4Me is not a rating and
ranking agency, however it is required that users have a way of selecting funds and building a Portfolio. The method used by it are described below to enable users to understand the logic behind the rating and ranking Subscriber will find more details on this in the
various content made available from time to time. In case you need more please write to
MoneyWorks4Me rates and ranks mutual funds based on the following data-driven system:
Performance Consistency: This is measure based on whether the fund has beaten the benchmark index consistently. For
this we compare the 3-year rolling returns of the fund with the benchmark for a minimum of 5 years and preferable 10
years. The period of rolling is one month and holding period is 3 years. Fund are color-coded Green on Performance when
the fund beats the benchmark more than 90% of the time. It is Orange if it beats 80% to 90% of the time and Red if less
than 80%. Funds with less than 5 year data are color-coded Grey.
Quality of Portfolio Holding: Moneyworks4Me has color-coded stocks as Green, Orange and Red based on whether the
company's performance has generated a ROCE above a threshold level (cost of capital) over 10 years (minimum 6 years) and
generated positive Free Cash Flow. For Banks it checks whether ROE is greater than 15% and sales has grown over previous
year. Stocks that perform consistently on these combined metrics are color-coded Green (min score 14 out of 20), Orange
(between 8 and 14) and Red (less than 8 out of 20).
Fund are color-coded Green provided the portfolio has 70% holding in Green stocks but not more than 20% in Red stocks.
Funds with more than 20% Red stocks in the portfolio are color-coded Red. The rest are Orange funds
Funds ranking in screeners: Performance Consistency and Quality are two parameters used for ranking funds for SIP. The
ranking as follows GG, GO, GR, OG, OO, OR, RG, RO and RR.
With the same color-coded funds, the one with the higher Average 3-year rolling returns (over 5 to 10 years), the number
that appears in the Performance tag, ranks higher.
Here is the summary:
The third tag Upside Potential is not relevant for SIP. It is relevant for lumpsum investments in Mutual Funds.
Looking to make the most of market corrections and volatility?
Did you know that market corrections can actually present great opportunities to buy high-quality stocks at discounted prices? By taking advantage of these times of volatility, you can position your portfolio for long-term growth.
At MoneyWorks4me Portfolio Advisory, we specialize in helping investors navigate market fluctuations and build a strong, diversified portfolio. With our collaborative approach, you can maintain control over your investments while benefiting from our expertise and guidance.
If you're interested in learning more and with a minimum portfolio size of 25 L+, we can help you manage your portfolio, no matter the size. let's connect and discuss how we can work together. And as a bonus, we're offering a FREE Portfolio Review using our "Portfolio Manager" tool during our conversation.
So why wait?
Let's get started today and take your portfolio to the next level!
Best Buy Stocks
Do you want to Invest in Undervalued Handpicked stocks and earn high Returns?
Why Buy Quality Stocks
Winning and long lasting portfolio is made of Quality Stocks, but how simple is that?
Important Questions while Buying Stocks
As an Investor most important decision making questions are?
Make an informed decision for Stocks
Invest using an intelligent system with powerful data-driven tools that help you identify opportunities and make informed buy-hold-sell decisions
You can make an informed decision based on:
Q : Quality :- Q Very Good
Q Somewhat Good
Q Not Good
V : Valuation:- V+UnderValued (UV) V Somewhat UV
V Fair Value
V Somewhat OV
V+ OverValued (OV)
Buy quality Stocks when they are available at reasonable prices and supported by an upward price trend and Sell when they are Overvalued using the Decizen Rating System. Covers 3500+ stocks
Make an informed decision for Funds
You can make an informed decision based on:
P : Performance (%)* 14 Very Good
14 Somewhat Good
12 Not Good
Less than 5 year data
Q : Quality of Holding Q Very Good
Q Somewhat Good
Q Not Good
*Color code for outperformance consistency
*Number is average 3 year rolling returns
Want to invest successfully in stocks?
How the heck do you select a solution that ensures it?
Does it get you focused on meeting your financial goals?
Does it get you focused on meeting your financial goals?
Investing is to means to funding your goals. Your solution must help you get clarity of your goals and how you should invest to reach them. Does your solution include Financial Planning?