Part 3: Goals or What the heck is Financial Freedom in my case, exactly?

3.5 Finding out what really matters to you – Your Values

Finding your values. When you do the exercise in the first part for the items in your list, you will find the values behind what you want. You may find some ‘values’ coming up more often than others. Make a list of all these values. Now, let’s find out what really drives your decision making, drives you. If you have a long list, first select the top 10 and write them on a separate list. Then select the top 5, i.e. give up 5 values and giving up on some might be painful. 

You are down to 5. Select two and compare which one you think is more important to you. Retain one and compare it to the third one. Retain one from these two. Repeat this for two more time and whatever value you are let holding is...........Read More

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