Part 3: Goals or What the heck is Financial Freedom in my case, exactly?

3.4 Finding out what you really value in the things that you want

How committed are you to your Bucket list? What does each item on the list really do for you? How do you know whether you will be really happy on achieving each goal? What do these things together disclose more about what you really value? How do you let that drive your priorities? Is the work that you are doing a source of joy and meaning? If not, what should you be doing about it? Are you really clear about what financial freedom means to you?
I just loved the movie The Bucket List and I hope you watched it. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are two old men who meet in a hospital where they confront the fact that they will soon die. They decide to live whatever time they have doing stuff they really want to do which they put together in a Bucket List. Since they won’t be around for very long it is list of things they deeply value.  It reminded me to think once again what I really value in life and how I should be living the rest of my life.  How do you find this out? 
We can find this out by trying to put the items on our Bucket List in the descending order of importance, i.e the most important on the top of the list followed by the next most important and so...........Read More

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