Part 4: Strategy or How the heck do I get to Financial Freedom?

4.9 Plan for a smoother transition to the work that really matters to you

Do you have a dream of starting your own business or practice or doing your ‘dharma-centered’ work? How do you build this in your Financial Freedom Planning? 
Change is the only constant. Some are triggered or imposed by  what happens outside us and some by what’s happening inside us.  Having an Emergency Fund is the way to manage the impact of eternal changes and we will see this in Chapter 4.11. This chapter is about managing change that is triggered from within. 
I think one goal that makes financial planning clearly about financial freedom is our goal for doing work that really matters to us. It may be doing a business, being self-employed, starting a not-for-profit or what I call doing ‘dharma-centered’ work. 
Planning for it  - setting a goal if things are somewhat clear and investing for it is giving it life. Even if things are not clear, I strongly recommend give it a name, Project-DreamWork or DharmaWork or just D-Work, whatever, till a more clear name takes shape. 
Now, the young will want to do this in a time frame that requires them to quit their day job or work, before they retire. Which is great. But who the heck has said that you cannot do this when you retire. I think it could be a great way to start your next innings. After all, in all likelihood you will be an empty-nester as your kids would be busy living a life of their own. So, what the heck are you going to do with your time? And all the experience that you have. 
Don’t fall for the obvious options post retirement. Create new options and fund it yourself.
No matter what your age and clarity about this goal, you should add this to your Financial Freedom Planning. 
Here’s how you plan for it:  
  1. Put a tentative date when you would like to make the transition.

    A conscious call on this certainly helps to plan out the journey well in advance............Read More

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