How to invest in mutual funds?

Why should you invest in Equity Mutual Funds?

Asking this question, when investment in Equity Mutual Funds in 2017 far exceeded what was done during 2000-2016, may seem as irrelevant to many. And, the answer is obvious…Kyunki Mutual Fund Sahi Hai.’ And, it’s precisely this reason, mouthing the words from an advertisement campaign run by the industry that should worry us. Especially when the follow up campaign sounds like a qualifier…Lekin patience is required.’ 

This reminded me of the first and last Wealth Manager I met who sold me an ULIP and MFs way back in 2006 or should I say conned me into it. But, then one can’t blame the individual when the entire industry was scamming left, right and center. And, the mistake is all mine because I had entered a market that has a huge sign-board, hidden in plain sight, that says Caveat emptor-Buyers beware’, but I missed it. But never again, not me, not anyone I can reach.

Since starting MoneyWorks4me, 10 years ago, I am a committed investor in Direct Stocks. Before that I made all the mistakes Retail Investors make. The biggest mistake is not understanding the difference between ‘Putting your money into stocks and Mutual Funds’ versus ‘Investing in it.’ When you put in money, you also take it out and one does it with very little commitment.  It’s still happening! It appears that every month about 3% of investors exit from a fund. This means in a short time most of the investors in a fund are new. More than 50% seem to hold a fund for...........Read More

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